Improve Your Golf Game Today!

A 20-minute Yoga Sequence for Golfers.

Practicing yoga helps you develop strength, endurance, stability, flexibility, balance, mental acuity, patience and concentration.

These benefits happen to be all the same things you need to improve your golf game and stay away from pain and injury.

It's time to make all your golfing friends jealous!

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And play the game I love for a long time.

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    Michele Lyman

    Owner of Serenity Yoga

    South Hadley, MA

    Who am I?

    I’ve spent almost two decades studying and teaching yoga and have been a golfer most of my life. Although I’m not playing birdie golf, I know my yoga practice has helped to improve my game and keep me out of pain.

    And I want the same for you!

    What to expect?

    This guide will walk you through a 20-minute yoga sequence designed to increase your flexibility, improve your balance, and enhance your concentration. You'll practice simple movement and breathing exercises to improve your swing and your mental focus.

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